NASA NAGW-3188 - "Soil Crusts on Mars: Morphology and Laboratory Simulation (year 02)"
NASA NCC 2-647 - "Abundances and Physical Conditions in Star Forming Regions and Supernova 1987A"
NASA NCC 2-906 - "Isotopic Measurements of Sulfonates and Phosphonates and Investigation of Possible Formaldehyde Products from the Murchison Meteorite"
NASA NCC 2-551 - "Observational Research on Star and Planetary System Formation"
NASA HQ NAGW-3291 - "A Proposal to Investigate the Use of the FOSTER Project to Disseminate the Scientific Results of Airborne Astronomy"
NASA NCC 2-874 - "Transit of Extrasolar Planets"
NASA NCC 2-572 - "Mineralogic Investigation of a Variety of Materials Using Analytical Electron Microscopy (AEM)"
NASA NCC 2-984 - "Formation of Gas Giant Planets"
NASA NCC 2-867 - "Radio Occultation Studies of Planetary Atmospheres and Correlative Studies"
NASA HQ NAGW-4346 - "Radio Occultation Studies of Venus' Atmosphere with Magellan"
NASA NCC 2-695 - "Research and Technology Activities in Support of the Exobiology Programs in Chemical Evolution, Planetary Science, and Planetary Protection"
NASA NCC 2-479 - "Definition of Exobiology Experiments for Future Mars Missions"
NASA NCC 2-565 - "Supporting Research and Technology Activities for the Exobiology Flight Experiments Program"
NASA NCC 2-926 - "Studies of Mineralogical Textural Properties of Martian Soil: An Exobiological Perspective"
NASA HQ NAGW-4353 - "Comminution of Aeolian Materials on Mars"
National Science Foundation Grant # MDR-9150120 - "Life in the Universe: An Exciting Vehicle for Teaching Integrated Science."
NASA NCC 2-789 - "Investigations in Martian Sedimentology"
NASA NCC 2-912 - "Cosmic Dust Capture Research and Development for the Exobiology Program"
National Science Foundation Grant # MDR-9150120 - "Life in the Universe: An Exciting Vehicle for Teaching Integrated Science."
NASA NCC2-887 - "Experimental and Analytical Studies on the Formation of Meteorites and Planetary Bodies."
NASA NCC 2-986 - "Integration of Planetary Protection Activities"
NASA NCC 2-850 - "Laboratory and Observational Research on Interstellar and Planetary Analogs"
NASA NCC 2-929 - "Application of Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometry to Isotopic Studies for Exobiology"
NASA NCC 2-650 - "Synthesis and Development of Porous Polymeric Column Packings for GC Analysis of Extraterrestrial Atmospheres"
NASA NCC 2-900 - "The Dust and Heavy Element Composition of the Interstellar Medium"
NASA NCC 2-578 - "The Evolution of Energy-Transducing Systems, Studies with an Extremely Halophilic Archaebacterium"
NASA NCC 2-881 - "Advanced Signal Processing Methods Applied to Digital Mammography and Other Imaging Modalities"
NASA NCC 2-836 - "The Role of Semiconducting Minerals in Prebiotic Fixation of Nitrogen and Carbon"
Private Donations - "Project Phoenix"
National Science Foundation Grant # MDR-9150120 - "Life in the Universe: An Exciting Vehicle for Teaching Integrated Science."
NASA NCC 2-784 - "Prebiotic Polymer Synthesis and the Origin of Glycolytic Metabolism"
NASA NCC 2-697 - "Exploration of Mars and Its Climate"